![Costa Rica catasetum in tree](https://www.orchidartbycharleshess.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Costa-Rica-catasetum-in-tree.jpg)
Orchid Conservation Alliance meets conservation goal
The major project of the Orchid Conservation Alliance for 2013 was the push to raise an additional $20,000 by Dec 31. As a result of meeting this deadline, OCA received matching funds from the World Land Trust. OCA’s plan was to purchase, at $200 per acre, areas of orchid habitat to be added to the Serra Bonita reserve in the Atlantic rain forest in Brazil.
Our society, as well as SWROGA, along with its other member societies, came through with a total of over $3,500 for this project. Thanks to all who contributed, OCA was able to announce this month that it achieved its goal!
OCA gave a total of $72,000 for orchid conservation last year, more than any other organization. We take pride in being a part of OCA’s effort.
More good news: We are already off to a strong start for 2014. Long-time GNTOS member Richard Poole donated his orchid collection to a fund-raiser sale to benefit orchid conservation. The catasetum orchid seen here was a gift to me from Richard. While we regret that his beautiful classic greenhouse will no longer be on our tour, due to his change of residence, we will continue to enjoy viewing the parts of his collection purchased by members of our club. The very enthusiastic group of about 6 or 7 members who participated in the fundraiser brought in $538 in donations for the OCA.